Whether you're about to DIY your own website, or already have a website that is not driving revenue, you'll want to join us for this workshop. How to Design a Website that Converts is packed with all the must-know-info you'll need to create a website that acts like a virtual salesperson — attracting ideal prospects, creating a connection, and converting them from website visitors into leads or sales.

What you’ll learn:

  • Proven strategies you can implement immediately to transform your website into a sale generating machine.
  • Get expert tips and tricks on writing website copy that converts website "window shoppers" into leads.
  • The Do's & Don't of Calls to Action, and the keys to crafting an irresistible CTA
  • The importance of imagery, and how to choose the right pictures for your website.
  • The great pricing debate, should you have pricing on your B2B website? Get the answers you need, specific to your business.
  • We'll dispel common website myths, and answer your questions in our rapid fire Q & A segment. 

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You've got 3 seconds.

People searching the web are notoriously hurried and judgmental, on average when someone lands on your website they give you about 3 seconds of their attention.

That's right, 3 seconds — in which they make sweeping and swift judgments about a multitude or factors related to your business. Including your credibility, culture, and position in the market place, just to name a few... 

Stanford study reveals... 

  • 88% of people do online research before contacting a potential vendor.
  • 75% of people make judgements about a company's credibility based on their website's design. 
  • When researching vendors participants report their minds are 70 to 90 percent made up — before contacting vendors.